Testing the Large Scale Limit of Quantum Mechanics

Quantummechanics provides, to date, the most accurate understanding of the microscopic world of atoms, molecules and photons. Many experiments have so far confirmed the accuracy of quantummechanics in describing the properties of microscopic systems but in everyday life we do not observe any of the counterintuitive phenomena that are predicted to take place in the quantum world, superpositions above all. This is the core issue being addressed by the TEQ project: is the lack of observation of quantum coherence at the macroscopic level a manifestation of a breakdown of quantum linearity, or simply the consequence of the fact that no one so far was able to create a macroscopic quantum superposition? TEQ holds the promises for realizing substantial impact at both the scientific and societal level. Exploring the potential limits of quantummechanics is crucial for our understanding of nature and for exploiting quantum properties for large- scale devices. The realization of TEQ triggers and ecosystem of innovation and impact comprising industrial development, Research & Innovation, and society. The knowledge that the TEQ project will generate, will raise the interest of the general public and impact on the perception that society has of nature. A substantial impact will be achieved by the construction of quantum-limited sensing devices, which are core targets of enormous relevance in quantum technologies. Testing the Large Scale Limit of QuantumMechanics